Zhejiang Zhongde Automatic Control Science And Technology Joint Stock Co., Ltd


Zhongde Technology to participate in the national petroleum and petrochemical instrument control Technology BBS localization projects

In order to better summarize the experience of instrument and control syste…

437807-30, 2022
Zhongde Technology to participate in the national petroleum and petrochemical instrument control Technology BBS localization projects

Dynamic | huzhou changxing county wei secretary Shi Yitin led to visit our company visit

Since the three gather, three guarantee and three implementation to help th…

345507-20, 2022
Dynamic | huzhou changxing county wei secretary Shi Yitin led to visit our company visit

The results of the first batch of doctoral innovation stations in Changxing County were announced

Good news! Good news!Our company won the first batch of Changxing County do…

420007-19, 2022
The results of the first batch of doctoral innovation stations in Changxing County were announced

They were undaunted by days of heat

The continuous hot weather makes the human body uncomfortable

331307-14, 2022
They were undaunted by days of heat
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